
I know I spelled Friends wrong.

BUT I think we should take the "I" out of the word and out of the relationship.

Have you ever lost a frend? I don't mean by death or a huge fight? I mean you just lost a frend.....?

Doesn't happen very often.

or does it?

I remember having a best frend when I was 5. She played with me and met me at the corner of our street...her mom made the best toast ever because she used WHITE BREAD....we only had BROWN bread.....she made me laugh and I made her laugh. We lost touch....because I moved away and we just never stayed in touch-we were 5. I think about her often, though.

Things were simple.

Being a friend is complicated.

Especially now that we have "facebook frends" you know the ones who just read your page but never say anything to you in person....or the ones who never comment on your page so you really have no idea they are ever there...THEN you see them:

"How was your trip...?"

"Sorry you had a headache 2 weeks ago..."

"So what ever happen to....."

They know everything about you and you seriously couldn't tell them their name, well let me correct that you know their maiden or middle name but can't remember their first name.

Sad huh?

Now before you delete me as a "facebook frend" I love Facebook and love the connection it helps me have with family and frends.

I think Facebook can mess up frendships. There! I said it.

When you have ONE frend that doesn't have Facebook, things can get even more complicated.

She knows nothing about your life, she never gets to see the random pictures you post, she never gets to see where you 'check-in', when you change your look she is the last to know. She doesn't know any of this unless.......(here's the crazy part).....YOU CALL HER.

I haven't shared life with her.

I post my life on Facebook.

I seem to care more about my status on Facebook.

I keep in touch with frends who don't even care about me.

Have I been a good frend?

See why I want to take the "I" out of friends?


Embarrassed but inspired


Melissa Age 38