Online Mating or is it Dating


I almost signed up on a dating site.

Just even posted a picture.

And when it came to the part where I had to describe my perfect mate...I laughed!

Perfect Mate? Mate? Who calls it that anymore?

Anyway all this made me think:

"Do I REALLY want to start dating?"

I have NOT been on a date in more than a year. Crazy huh? Now before you look at your mate while reading this and say something like "awe babe we have to find her someone...." DON'T....I am not sad about this.

I question this "non-sadness" a lot. While others are questioning "WHY ME? Why can't I FIND MY MATE...?" I question..."Lord why am I not seeking my mate? Why am I not worried?"

Don't get me wrong there are about 4 times a year when I have a moment of..."hhhmmm wonder when I will get THAT..." It's usually after spending a GREAT evening with all my fun married friends....YES I am that chick...I love watching married people...not in a creepy way but in a healthy way...I enjoy watching 2 very different people figure stuff out. I even like a good disagreement every once and awhile.

It's healthy.

I love watching these 2 people disagree and then walk by each other about 21 minutes later and kiss each other...and smile.

You see, I never got to see healthy marriages while growing up. I say marriages (plural) because I saw a lot of them. My family kinda did it for sport. I say that in a silly manner but it's true. We quit a lot.

I digress.

Let's get back to this dating phenomenon.

I see it like this:

I trust the Lord 100%

I trust Him with my finances.

My health.

My home

My Daughter

My family

My career

Why in the world would I doubt Him when it comes to my love life? What a slap in His face if I do. 

So I don't.

I thank Him....I even giggle sometimes in excitement....thinking this man MY MATE is going to be so ready for me and I for him. Jesus is working on us both. We will not be perfect but we will be ready.

Ready. READY. What a sweet word that is not taken too seriously anymore. Well it is when it comes to food and that's about it. "Dinner's ready, yall!"

Even babies aren't allowed to stay in the womb until they are ready to come out....we RUSH everything.

Jesus does everything in perfect timing. He does things when He is ready.

"Lord, I am ready when you are. I trust you. I will always have my lip gloss ready (just in case) Thank you for seeing every part of my life as an important part....!"


Mother the crap out of your kids

