DEVOTIONALS Melissa Williams DEVOTIONALS Melissa Williams

Shoe Sale

Okay, stick with me here… Being a new Christian is not unlike buying new shoes…

I am a new Christian, and I have done a lot of thinking. I keep asking myself one question:

“How can I explain this journey, and have everyone understand…?” I have come up with one way to hopefully explain.

I think that buying and wearing brand new shoes is the best way to explain my journey. We all have bought new shoes that don’t fit perfectly. Well when I became a Christian I felt like it just didn’t fit at first. I have had shoes that are too tight, but I continue to walk in them because I know (as I hope you all do) that if you keep walking THEY WILL get comfortable…it’s almost a guarantee. I feel like I walked funny in the beginning of my Walk with the Lord. I didn’t know how to pray, I never knew the words to any of the songs, and clapping IN CHURCH was the most uncomfortable….BUT with God’s help I kept walking. Have you ever watched a pair of shoes go down in price? I mean seriously watch them, and when they finally get to your “drive out” price you buy them and you almost can’t believe you ACTUALLY HAVE THEM ON!!! Being a new Christian and learning about the grace and mercy that Jesus has for us is a lot like that, I have looked in the mirror and said WOW he really loves me, just the way I am. I actually can wear these shoes…I am good enough! Have you ever looked at someone else and thought, “There is no way THAT would ever look good on me.” I feel that way sometimes being a Christian. It just looks better on other people, they must pray better then me or they must really know someone UP THERE. Have you ever met a Christian that just makes it look easy? They can quote scripture; they even pray OUTLOUD without messing up. I call this person the High Heel Christian, she is very put together and is also very confident in Christianity, but if she shoes come off she may feel a little lost.

I hate to admit this but I have lost a shoe before! What a horrible feeling…I know I have seen it somewhere but I just can’t figure out where. Sometimes I feel lost as a new Christian, like recently just finding out what ‘equally yoked’ really meant…I had no idea it had nothing to do with getting the same amount of eggs at IHOP. Don’t you wish you could just borrow someone else’s shoes for awhile, because yours feel so uncomfortable? Jesus wants my walk with Him to be very personal; he wants me to know Him personally. I can’t cheat the process and live through someone else’s journey.

I also have to surround myself with other people who wear shoes. It’s important that I have someone in my circle of friends that will be honest and say, “Honey those shoes look horrible-please never wear them again!” I like to call this person a Boot Christian; she will get in the middle of everything and make sure you are on the right path. She does have a vulnerable side, but it may take a long time to see. I’m still learning what type of Christian I am. I am hoping that I am more of a Tennis Shoe Christian…I want to be comfortable, I want to run where Jesus tells me to, I want to always be prepared in prayer. I know that the Tennis Shoe doesn’t always match everything I wear, but in Christ I match everything and everyone. With Him on my side, I cannot go wrong.

Now I know that being a Christian is way more rewarding then wearing new shoes, but I have to think that if we try and keep things simple, and not try to complicate Jesus, that maybe, just maybe more of us will buy more shoes and be proud to wear them.

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DEVOTIONALS Melissa Williams DEVOTIONALS Melissa Williams

His Week > My week

Easter thoughts from a new Christian

My first month as a Christian was July 2007....nothing real Godly about July....The biggest change was well.....

I laid out by the pool while reading the Bible. That was HUGE to me.

I went through awe. Understanding really what happen. He was born so that HE could die for me.


Christmas Eve service: child-like doesn't quite explain it but WOW I sat with my mouth open. Starring at all the people. Thinking of that day 2000 years. I was and still am like a kid. I look around a lot. Asking questions.

Then my first Easter came.

I should have bought a t-shirt with "Baby's 1st Easter" on it!!

Ya'll, I wept at the thought that Jesus didn't stay in that tomb. He was alive! He is alive! I remember after my first Easter service saying to someone (most likely an innocent stranger who HAPPEN to sit by this new baby Christian....) I said, "Oh my gosh...why don't we celebrate Easter in a bigger way??? I mean I know being born from a virgin is a big deal BUT COMING BACK TO LIFE....seriously THAT is something to put a tree up for....”

That person just smiled and walked away. I think I scared them.

I also remember a couple days AFTER Easter asking one of my Pastor friends, "So um if Jesus is Alive...where is He right now...?"


I am paralyzed sometimes at the thoughts I have of this week.

I find myself thinking about Jesus and His week compared to mine.

I know I have off Friday.

He knew He was being crucified.

I prepare for Easter, buying stuff.

He prepared for His Resurrection.

After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.
The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”

So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.” (NIV)
— Matthew 28:1-10 

Lord, Thank you for making me very aware of you. I apologize that during this week I let the planning and busyness take away from what YOU were doing this week. I will continue to take a couple minutes, close my eyes and picture your sweet face going to the cross. Thank you Jesus. Thank you!

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